Como dato histórico es importante mencionar que la conquista española en la región que hoy se le conoce como Sonora se intentó por las armas...
La siguiente columna fue publicada por el periódico El Imparcial el viernes 8 de octubre de 1937 en la PAGINA EDITORIAL, y es una ventana al pasado sobre lo que
Gracias a las contribuciones monetarias de 18 personas hace casi una semana, logramos completar la compra de los alimentos necesarios para algunas de las familias de Opata. Los primeros...
We just want to thank you! Your donation has allowed us to initiate this crucial project for our Opata community, the Opata Library, which is set to be a place...
“Indigenous Peoples of Sonora Mexico” team holding the flag of the Tohono O'odham Nation and the flag created by Teresita Leal (mayo-opata) to represent the Opatas. During the past NABI,...
We recently found out via our Noragua Rushingwind (Opata-Cahuilla), that 2 songs of his solo album “Keeper of Secrets” (Google play Music) that won a NAMMY Award will appear 4...
The 17th Annual Native American Basketball Invitational (NABI) was held during the last week of June, were Native American basketball players (featured 128 teams) in boys and girl’s tournaments from...
The Hoi Ra Ua, is a spiritual human being, always seeks to unite the brothers and sisters, with a great spirit of sacrifice, a generous gift for others to successfully...