In Nácori Chico, as in all the municipalities of Sonora and the country, there are people (among them, I: who have lived locked up for 4 months and every low-grade fever, cough, runny nose, and even pain in any bone makes us tremble.) The years, hypertension and allergies make us super susceptible to any infection. But that does not mean that we are out of work. In my case, I have been constantly managing different supports for “despensas”, medicines, medical resources, etc., even solving various problems of various people whom I appreciate and others I do not know, but who I do with the same pleasure.
In coordination with my colleagues from the Traditional Council of Government of the Ópata Nation, all its members, but especially with Edgar García Rosas, and his father Edgar García Madrid, we have managed the purchase, reception, receipt and shipping / delivery of “despensas” in a responsible manner for our Opatas brothers in various towns:

I also want to publicly thank the GANFER Foundation, which has supported us 70 “pantries” that have already been delivered with the signature of the representative of the town who received it, so that the arrival to its recipient can be verified; Opodepe and Buena Vista towns, Nacori Chico:
Another special mention for MakersHMO, for their donation of 30 protective masks for the 2 health centers and 3 health houses in the Municipality of Nacori Chico:
Basic clinic center
–Nacori Chico (3 people; doctor, two nurses and driver)
–La Mesa Tres Rios (2 people; nurse and driver)
Health House (with an assistant manager in each one):
–El Sauz
–Buena Vista
For these health centers and houses, the Opata Nation bought from the Opata Elizabeth Grijalva Sinohui for $ 3,800 pesos:
100 surgical masks.
5 digital thermometers.
2 oximeters.
1 infrared thermometer.
-Elizabeth S. also donated an extra digital thermometer.
-“Foam Tape 1 Face 19mm X 25m” was bought to apply it to the masks and prevent them from hurting the forehead and a hundred of the medical personnel for $ 298.91 pesos.
This August 14, 2020, in Hermosillo, the Municipal Trustee of Nácori Chico, C. Angélica Sandoval, receives this protection material from C. Cristina Murrieta of the Ópata Council:

Friends deserve special mention who personally and in coordination with their friends on their block or family members, supported us with donations to buy food, others gave us “despensas” at the beginning of this “lochemia” (the pandemic that makes us crazy) and that we deliver to older adults who request help.
In the same way with: María Del Carmen Tonella Tréllez, with Graciela Villa, Carmen Corella, Beda Domínguez, Carlos Valenzuela, all the members of the Murrieta López Family and its different branches, with donations in kind and with Francisco Javier, Claudia Nolasco and César Edgardo, for his help in organizing and delivering packages.
Thanks to those who bought my books, because with part of that unexpected income, we were able to support several families economically and with special “despensas”.
Special thanks to my friend, Deputy of the State of Mexico Carlos Libertario Loman Delgado, for his financial donation, with which we acquired medicines and some prevention material for some localities, as well as some special pantries for the elderly.

Thanks to the Municipal President of my beloved Nácori Chico, C. Jorge Luís Portillo Arvizu, because he personally (and other shipments in the passenger bus) collected “depensas”, medical and sanitary supplies and protection material, as well as the personal delivery of both the “despensas” and another type of material and later, he sent us photographs and signed lists, for clear and timely information to our donors and our friends from Opata Nation, donors, and family members that helped us.
Also grateful to the Professor. Hilda Contreras, with the Police Commander Ricardo and the Municipal President of Opodepe Lic. Paola López Fernández, with whom we coordinate to deliver the “despensas” to our Opata family in Opodepe, Querobabi, Tuape, Meresiche and Pueblo Viejo.
Thanks to our nurses Imelda and Gerardo and our doctors Raysha and Nereida Rodríguez Noyola.
Despensas were previously distributed to the elderly, donated in kind by friends and family. Similarly, free medical care was provided to several people with the support of medical friends, who prefer anonymity. Thanks friends and colleagues.

My grandson Edgardito asked me yesterday if angels existed because he knew they helped a lot. And the answer was: YES MIJO… GOD is always present in our lives and LOS ANGELES DRESS UP AS WONDERFUL HUMAN BEINGS.
Thanks to each and every one of you who help us to help. And help us with service to our communities.
Diôs e’mêe’na (Thank you) for your help!
Grandioso! Esto es vivir para servir 🙏🏼