Thanks to the monetary contributions of 18 people, almost a week ago, we managed to complete the purchase of the necessary food for some of the Opata families. The first beneficiaries live in the towns of Tuape and Meresichic (8 Opata families with 33 people overall).
On the morning of May 5th, the 8 packages of provisions were delivered by Cristina Murrieta, a member of the Opata Traditional Government Council in Hermosillo, Sonora, to the Commander of Public Security of Opodepe, Official Ricardo Sánchez, to be delivered later that day to the above-mentioned Opata families:
The Commander, in coordination with our contact point in the region, Professor Hilda Contreras, who is the official Chronicler of the municipality of Opodepe and a member of ACROS, delivered the packages the same evening/night of May 5th:
Our Opata relatives who first received this support of the Care Packages are deeply grateful. In the photographs, there is Professor Hilda Contreras, who helped coordinate reaching an agreement with the mayor of Opodepe in Opodepe (Municipality) so that Commander Ricardo Sánchez and Narvel officer could support us by collecting the Care Packages from the capital of the state and later take them to towns of Tuape and Meresichic for the delivery to each of the 8 Opata families.
Historical landmarks:
-Entrance to Tuape.
-Entrance to Meresichic.
-Tuape Primary School.
-Plaza from Tuape.
-Church of San Miguel de Tuape built by the Jesuits José Ma. Salvatierra and José de Aguilar, visitors of Padre Kino in 1687, rebuilt.
-The old window of the old church; Windows are double adobe.
-The saints inside the church are the original ones.
-There is a Chino Christ that dates back to 1626.
What we have completed so far has been thanks to donations in the campaign via gofundme platform, to the efforts, and to the contributions made by Cristina Murrieta, the Opata Traditional Government Council, Claudia Nolasco, César E. López, Carlos Valenzuela, Lourdes Bojórquez, Beda Domínguez, and Edgar García Madrid.
We hope to maintain the good “streak” to fulfill the support of the other Opatas of the Opodepe town (same name as the municipality), Querobabi, and Pueblo Nuevo of the Opodepe municipality.
For monetary donations:
Current Campaigns
Or visit directly:
For in-kind donations in Hermosillo, Sonora:
Cristina Murrieta
+52 1 662 142 1895
email: donaciones@opatanation.org
#VaXHermosillo y #VaXSonora
Diôs e’mêe’na (Thank you)