Thanks to the monetary contributions of 5 people via the gofundme page, an Opata via Paypal and to the family of Cristina Murrieta, in the last week, to be more exact on May 25th, 7 tailored care packages “despensas” were integrated and collected again by the Commander of Public Security of Opodepe, Official Ricardo Sánchez, with the help of César Edgardo López, loaded all the product into the Police pickup truck.
Again, this has been possible thanks to the agreement with the mayor of Opodepe to allow the Police officer to utilize the car for this cause.
Also, this time the weather was not on our side, since Cristina, Cesar, and the officer had difficulties loading the bags into the car because the bags were ripping off due to the heat:
And once again the packages were delivered later that day in coordination with our contact point in the region, Professor Hilda Contreras, who is the official Chronicler of the municipality of Opodepe and a member of ACROS:
We hope to maintain the good “streak” to fulfill the support of the other remaining Opatas of the Opodepe town (same name as the municipality) and Querobabi of the Opodepe municipality.
Viel Glück in Ihrem Blog, wie ich weiterhin regelmäßig zu folgen. Saraann Efren Crifasi