Each people, tribe and human being, in particular, has its own identity to put it this way, in all a different thought influences that allow us to continue traditions and customs; and if we are immersed in it, we look for ways to inherit our children and descendants. I can not understand (without judging) how the thought of the tribes that are said today pure and original, are so tied to a thought that is alien to them, that is not in their primary historical DNA, celebrating with crosses, rosaries and all kinds of “Spiritual” parties associated with an identity (and an entity) that does not belong to them and with which they were treated to annihilate, this is the worst part of colonization:
… we inherit a thought that is not ours …
The love for the sword and the cross of the perpetrators …
Nor do I understand and here I judge; as some modern anthropologists rejoice in a culture that they declare with pomp and elegant words that are extinct ?, and their descendants are labeled as crazy and usurpers, then reason; The cigars are enslaved by modernism, Catholicism and the thoughts of a religion that is not ours and the usurpers (which, of course we are not) seek to restore our ancestral traditions, eliminating intermediary thoughts, loving mother earth, the sun , to the wind and sacred water, without crosses, without rosaries and without images that only remind us of thoughts of slavery, misery, annihilation and abuse of all kinds.
Without a doubt that we are influenced by our thoughts, our history, what we are and feel, it is a constant reminder of the events that have marked our lives, a matter of which, with that primary influence, we are able to restore the greatness of what we once We were free human beings.
Wikipedia data:
The so-called indigenous peoples, indigenous reductions or headwaters of doctrine were indigenous villages that existed during the Spanish Colonization in America. They were promoted by the Spanish authorities in the second half of the 16th century, from the Royal Decree of 1545. They were devised to make a more efficient collection of taxes; to increase control and acculturation of the subject population, through Christian preaching; and to ensure concentrations of labor.
In law as the basic administrative organization of the so-called Republic of Indians, that is, it was a kind of indigenous municipality. The urban settlement policy of the ethnic groups conquered in villages in many cases was limited to providing legal recognition or relocating to existing towns. In other occasions, the towns of Indians were concentrations of dispersed population in settlements designated ex profeso. The policy of indigenous peoples, complemented by the reductions, was supported by a part of the Catholic clergy, who saw in it an instrument against the abuse of mining mita and the discredited encomienda system, accused of having been converted by the encomenderos into an overlapping method of enrichment and exploitation.
Read more here (in Spanish).